Harwinder Singh Dhiman

Explanation of Solar Hybrid Power Plant

Solar hybrid power plants with lithium batteries are an innovative and sustainable solution for generating electricity. Here are some positive explanations of this technology: 1. Energy storageOne of the main advantages of a solar hybrid power plant with lithium batteries is the ability to store energy. This means that excess energy generated during the day can be stored and used later when the sun is not shining. This feature enables most hybrid systems to also operate as a backup power supply during a blackout, similar to a UPS system[1]. 2. Self-useStoring solar energy in a battery allows for self-use or load-shifting during peak evening times. This reduces power consumption from the grid and enables advanced energy management, such as peak shaving[1]. 3. Cost-effectiveHybrid solar systems are less expensive than off-grid solar systems. You don’t really need a backup generator, and the capacity of your battery bank can be downsized. If your battery runs out of charge at night, you can simply buy off-peak electricity from the utility company. This will be much cheaper than operating a generator[5]. 4. Smart solarThe introduction of hybrid solar systems has opened up many interesting innovations. New inverters let homeowners take advantage of changes in the utility electricity rates throughout the day. Solar panels output the most electrical power at noon – not long before the price of electricity peaks. Your home and electrical vehicle can be programmed to consume power during off-peak hours (or from your solar panels). Consequently, you can temporarily store whatever excess electricity your solar panels generate in your batteries, and put it on the utility grid when you are paid the most for every kWh[5]. 5. Lithium-ion batteriesLithium-ion batteries are the most popular form of solar batteries currently on the market. This is the same technology used for smartphones and other high-tech batteries. Lithium-ion batteries work through a chemical reaction that stores chemical energy before converting it to electrical energy. The reaction occurs when lithium ions release free electrons, and those electrons flow from the negatively-charged anode to the positively-charged cathode[2]. 6. SustainableSolar hybrid power plants with lithium batteries are a sustainable solution for generating electricity. They reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable and have a longer lifespan than other types of batteries[6]. In conclusion, solar hybrid power plants with lithium batteries are a cost-effective, sustainable, and innovative solution for generating electricity. They offer energy storage, self-use, and smart solar capabilities, making them an excellent choice for homeowners and businesses alike.

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पंखा, बल्ब और टीवी चलाने के लिए कितने वॉट का पैनल और कितने का खर्च आएगा?

पंखा, बल्ब और टीवी हर घर की दैनिक जरूरते हैं। आपका घर छोटा है या बड़ा, यह कुछ बुनियादी चीजें आपके घर का हिस्सा रहती ही हैं और घरों में सबसे अधिक बिजली की खपत भी इन्हीं से होती है। हालांकि सर्दियों में आपको कुछ महीनों के लिए पंखो से राहत मिलती है, किन्तु गर्मियों में इनका इस्तेमाल लगभग पूरा दिन होता है। बिजली की बढ़ती किमतों के चलते यह छोटे उपकरण भी आपकी जेब पर काफी भारी पड़ते हैं। ऐसे में आपके लिए सोलर सिस्टम लगवाना सबसे बेहतर विकल्प है। इससे आपकी बिजली विभाग पर निर्भरता कम हो जाएगी। अब एक सवाल जो हर एक व्यक्ति के मन में आता है कि पंखा, बल्ब और टीवी चलाने के लिए कितने वॉट का सोलर पैनल लगवाना चाहिए? बेफिक्र रहिए इस लेख में हम आपके सभी सवालों का जवाब देंगे। सबसे पहले आपके लिए यह जानना आवश्यक है कि सोलर पैनल कितने प्रकार के हैं। आमतौर पर 2 प्रकार के सोलर पैनल अधिक इस्तेमाल में आते हैं। ऑन ग्रिड इंटर-टाईड सोलर सिस्टम और ऑफ ग्रिड सोलर पावर सिस्टम। सोलर सिस्टम के प्रकार On Grid इंडर टाईड सोलर सिस्टम ऐसे क्षेत्रों के लिए उत्तम विकल्प है, जहां बिजली कट की समस्या बहुत कम है। इसकी मदद से आप खुद बिजली बनाकर, उसे बिजली बोर्ड को वापस भेज सकते हैं। इससे न सिर्फ आपकी बिजली खपत कम होगी, बल्कि माह अंत में आने वाला बिजली का बिल भी कम आएगा। Off Grid सोलर पावर सिस्टम उन क्षेत्रों के लिए सही रहता है, जहां बिजली जाने की समस्या अधिक होती है। इसमें सोलर पैनल के साथ सोलर इनवर्टर और बैटरियां लगाई जाती हैं। इन बैटरियों में स्टोर होने वाली बिजली से आप घर के उपकरण चला सकते हैं। घर के लिए कितने वॉट का सोलर पैनल सही है यदि आप भी इस बात से परेशान हैं कि आपको घर के लिए कितने वॉट का सोलर पैनल लगवाना चाहिए | उसके लिए जरूरी है कि आप पहले यह निर्धारित करें कि आपको घर के कितने उपकरण कितने समय के लिए इस्तेमाल करने हैं। आप अपनी आवश्यकता के अनुसार 1100 वॉट से लेकर 5000 वॉट तक का सोलर पैनल लगवा सकते हैं। पंखे व बल्ब चलाने के लिए कितने वॉट का सोलर पैनल लगवाएं मान लीजिए कि हम 15 वॉट के चार बल्ब और 60 वॉट का एक पंखा चलाना चाहते हैं और हमें यह बल्ब और पंखा प्रतिदिन 4 घंटे के लिए उपयोग करने हैं, तो इसकी गणना कुछ इस प्रकार रहेगी। इसी तरह आप अपनी जरूरत के अनुसार घंटो और उपकरणों की गिनती में बदलाव करके अपने लिए उपयुक्त क्षमता वाले सोलर पैनल का चयन कर सकते हैं। आशा है कि अब बल्ब या पंखा चलाने के लिए कितने वॉट का सोलर पैनल की जरूरत पढ़ेगी? जैसे आपके सवालों का जवाब मिल गया होगा। टीवी चलाने के लिए कितने वॉट का सोलर पैनल जरूरी है टीवी चलाने के लिए सोलर पैनल का चयन टीवी की क्षमता पर निर्भर करता है।, आमतौर पर घरों में लगाई जाने वाली एल.सी.डी के लिए 150 वॉट की जरूरत होती है। लेकिन अगर आपके पास बड़ा प्लाज़मा टीवी है तो सोलर पैनल की क्षमता भी उसी के अनुसार होनी जरूरी है। If you are looking for more information on solar energy companies, visit www.roopsolar.com. – With 14 years of experience, it was named best solar industry. It provides you with the best quality and cost-effective solutions.

पंखा, बल्ब और टीवी चलाने के लिए कितने वॉट का पैनल और कितने का खर्च आएगा? Read More »

10 Strong Reasons – Why solar energy is important for the future

“Pollution everywhere”, “Fuel prices increase again”, “Fossil fuel depletion.” Aren’t you tired of listening to these problems every single day? It is time now to stop creating a problem and become a solution. The first step is to start using renewable resources. Let us talk about the best renewable energy, that is, Solar Energy. We at Waaree understand that Solar Energy is good for you. It is time that we let you in on the secret of the 10+ strong reasons why solar energy is still a top choice for homes and businesses. With all these reasons why solar energy is good, how can one not buy it? It reduces your carbon footprint and cost of living all at the same time while carrying with it many other benefits. If you are looking for more information on solar energy companies, visit www.roopsolar.com. – “One with the sun”. With 14 years of experience, it was named India’s best solar industry. It provides you with the best quality and cost-effective solutions.

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Benefits of solar panel installation for home/commercial buildings

Have you thought about solar panel installation on your house or other residential structures? In today’s environment, we rely on electricity to maintain our daily routines. We use electricity to prepare food, dine, drink, rest comfortably with air conditioners, connect with friends, relatives, and business colleagues via electronic communication devices, and for a variety of other functions. Solar panels are an excellent way to save money on electricity and minimize your home’s environmental effect. And there are various benefits of solar panels, such as supporting small businesses and contributing to alternative energy. Solar energy is abundant, renewable, and sustainable. As the cost of using solar to generate electricity decreases year after year, more Americans are opting for solar. In the United States, nearly a million panels have already been deployed. Additional advantages of converting to solar power are listed below. If you’ve considered it but aren’t sure if it’s a good idea, read this article to learn more about solar panels and the benefits of solar installation for a home. Commercial solar panel benefits Solar energy enthusiasts can describe how it can light up houses or how the average person can handle the expense of installation, but what about commercial structures? Is solar worth it for a retail area? The truth is that having industrial solar panels has numerous advantages. Here are a few to bring to your next board meeting. 1. Finances Solar panels are primarily a sound investment. Every good firm must weigh the financial benefits and drawbacks of any significant decision. Here are a few factors to consider: 2. Solar incentives. Due to the apparent subsidies granted to defray the project’s cost, large and small enterprises may finance solar panels. 3. Increase the number of customers you have. Because of the attention they attract, solar panel installation might also be a wise commercial decision. Specific customers value ecologically conscious firms and will choose your company above others because of the solar panels. Solar panels also receive media attention due to the growing focus on environmental consciousness, particularly in the commercial setting. It is a branding and marketing tactic. 4. It contributes to the local economy. Lastly, because of the expense, solar panel installation benefits the local economy. Local lenders profit from solar investments, and your company gains traction due to the increased visibility. In general, as the demand for solar installations grows, so does the utilization of local employees and solar companies. Residential solar panel benefits Bottom line Many potential subscribers have paid off their systems in less than three years. Making good decisions is essential to running a business, whether you’re launching a new endeavor or keeping the family firm afloat. Solar production varies with every property, but going solar is always preferable to doing nothing. Every day, business and home property owners get confronted with various significant and minor decisions that affect the outcome of their efforts. The next step is to have a professional solar evaluation to determine how much you will gain from solar panel installation. If you wish to get a solar panel installation at your place, look no further than Waaree. Roop Traders is a prominent name in the solar industry. They can assist you with all your solar products purchases, installation, and maintenance at the most affordable rates. Are you looking for a dependable company for your solar installation or maintenance? ROOP SOLAR COMPANY can be an ideal pick for you. To know more about how solar works, visit https://www.roopsolar.com.

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Polycrystalline Solar Panels: What You Need To Know?

In the last few years, more people across the globe have become more energy-efficient to move towards sustainable living. People nowadays are adopting solar. As it can help them achieve their goals of becoming more energy efficient. In addition, the skyrocketing utility expenses in modern times. Another reason people are installing solar panels for homes. These solar panels work on a PV (Photo Valutic) technology that draws energy from the sun and converts it into electrical energy. There are three main classifications of solar panels obtainable in the market these days. It includes thin-film solar panels, monocrystalline panels, and polycrystalline solar panels. However, out of all these three kinds of solar panels, Poly panels are the most popular due to their efficient working and economical costs. What are Polycrystalline Solar Panels? Polycrystalline or poly solar panels are one of the three kinds of panels that comprise numerous silicon crystals into one PV (Photovoltaic) cell. In these Poly solar cells, the barrel of melted silicon utilized to create the PV cells is left to cool on the solar panel itself. These polycrystalline panels hold a mosaic-looking surface made up of numerous polycrystalline silicon. This is what makes these solar panels more efficient and long-lasting. This square-shaped mosaic arrangement of infinite silicon crystals in every PV cell of these polycrystalline panels. They allow the contracted movement of the electrons that assist in better energy formation. The aim of these solar panels is to use the sun’s energy convert it into electrical energy to light up your place. The use of silicon in these polycrystalline Solar panels makes them less expensive than other solar panels. Unlike the other two solar panels in which the silicon is usually in the form of a single crystal. These solar panels use melted silicon that flows faster into the PV cells. How do polycrystalline solar panels work? These polycrystalline solar panels work as semiconductor devices made up of various PV cells. Every PV (Photovoltaic) cell of these panels contains melted silicon that assists these cells in creating electrical energy. Unlike the other panels that hold a black shade. These polycrystalline or multi-crystalline panels hold a blue shade due to the usage of melted silicon. This is what makes it absorb more sunlight in less time. Hence when the sun rays fall on the PN junction (the combination of N-type and P-type electrodes) of these Poly solar panels. It confers power to the electrons to enable them to pass through as the electric current. Both the P-type and the N-type electrodes work together and get connected with the PV cells. All these elements work together as a unit to generate electrical energy. Since the placement of every PV cell and polycrystalline silicon is accurate and proper. It makes them one of the most efficient solar panels in the present times. Apart from being efficient, a Poly solar panel holds numerous distinct features that are mentioned below. Due to the availability of all these diverse features in these poly panels, they can be used for numerous purposes. The cost-efficiency of these solar panels makes it the most preferred choice in the large solar farms that harness solar energy to supply large-scale electricity. However, before choosing the right solar panels. It generally compares different kinds of solar panels available in the market. Mentioned below are some of the key differences between mono and polycrystalline solar panels. After looking at all the points mentioned above. You have now understood what polycrystalline solar panels are, How they work. Hence, it can be asserted that these poly panels are the most cost-effective option. Installing these panels at your place can assist in attaining all your set energy efficiency goals and taking steps towards If you wish to get a solar panel installation at your place, look no further than Waaree. Roop Traders is a prominent name in the solar industry. They can assist you with all your solar products purchases, installation, and maintenance at the most affordable rates. Are you looking for a dependable company for your solar installation or maintenance? ROOP SOLAR COMPANY can be an ideal pick for you. To know more about how solar works, visit https://www.roopsolar.com.

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Bifacial Solar Panels – The Ultimate Guide (2021)

In the solar market, another significant product development is rising. Bifacial solar panels that can absorb sunlight from both the front and rear end are an intriguing new solar alternative for some types of solar systems. The traditional solar panels also known as mono facial panels can absorb light from only one surface, thus wasting the light energy that does not get absorbed. On the other hand, bifacial solar panels are different from conventional panels as they come with solar cells equipped on both sides. This mechanism helps the solar panel absorb the solar energy from both sides which enhances energy consumption. What are bifacial solar panels? Traditional solar panels have several disadvantages that bifacial solar modules do not. A bifacial panel can generate power from both sides, boosting overall electricity production. They are frequently more resilient since both sides are UV resistant, and when the bifacial solar panel is structurally sound, the risk of potentially induced deterioration (PID) gets diminished. When more electricity is available, the cost of the balance of the system (BOS) gets reduced as well. When bifacial panels are placed on a brightly transparent material (such as a white TPO ceiling or the ground with light-colored boulders), additional electricity is produced from the backside. This additionally generated electricity can further result in a 30 percent increase in productivity and more efficient and clean air. Bifacial modules are obtainable in a variety of styles. Quite a few of them are mounted, while others are not. Some even have dual-glass back sheets, while others have transparent back sheets. The majority of the time, crystalline silicon cells are used, however, polycrystalline models are also available. Alas, one thing remains consistent, and that is the power generated from both sides. There are also many different types of panels like frameless or dual glass modules that expose the rear area of the cells. However, these cells are still not considered bifacial. The actual bifacial panels consist of bus bars located on both the front and rear sides of the cells. A bifacial solar panel system’s uppermost solar cells face the sunshine, gathering incoming sun rays completely and filtering just particular wavelengths. The top solar cells work in the same way as those in a traditional solar panel array. The solar cells at the bottom absorb the light and reflect it from the earth’s surface. To boost the energy-absorbing ability of the PV cells, it is recommended to use silicon in the form of monocrystalline cells. The mono-facial solar panels are placed in the form of parallel racks on the rooftop. However, the bifacial panels will produce more energy if they get installed at different or tilted angles from the ground. Several commercial applications, such as pergolas and some ground-mounted systems, can benefit from bi-facial solar panels. However, bifacial panels are not appropriate for the majority of property owners considering a rooftop deployment. These bifacial panels are best employed in industrial or communication infrastructures where panels are tilted and angled away from a mounting surface, allowing light to reflect towards the panel. Nowadays, bifacial solar panels are on par with traditional solar panels as they provide greater efficiency and also use up less space than conventional solar panels. Also, when used residentially, bifacial solar panels are very productive. Especially, the transparent surfaces provide extremely clean and efficient energy when compared with conventional panels. Can you use bifacial solar panels for residential installations? Bifacial solar panel installation is not recommended for domestic rooftop solar systems in general. They make more sense for massive solar projects that allow reflected light to conceivably support the rear side of the solar panels. The main reason for this use in huge projects is its projected premium on the bifacial solar panel installation as compared to conventional monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels. Bifacial panels are designed specifically for industrial or utility-scale solar projects, but they can also be deployed in certain residential applications. Bifacial panels can also be used on free-standing objects like pergolas to provide partial cover while also producing energy. Bifacial panels can also be utilized in some other scenarios where the solar panels are not squarely facing the sun. Industrial and utility-scale solar projects, particularly those with solar trackers, are ideal solutions for bifacial solar panels. According to a study conducted by a solar panel manufacturer, bifacial panels produced 11 percent more energy than conventional solar panels in an inclined, ground-mounted solar panel installation. Moreover, the systems which use bifacial solar panels generate 27 percent extra power compared to a similar traditional solar panel. Due to their capacity to absorb photons from both sides, bifacial panels have always had the potential to increase energy output for massive solar projects. Energy from the sun that strikes the ground beneath a solar panel is reflected up and can also be collected by back-facing solar cells whenever the panel is positioned above the ground, which seems to be the case in most commercial systems. Also, depending on the surface located below, more or less light will get retraced back to the bifacial panels. Hence, the greater the transparency of surfaces like sand will result in an increased amount of reflected sunlight as compared to less transparent surfaces like dirt or asphalt. Bifacial panels may very well be perfect for you if you’re contemplating a ground-mounted solar system instead of just a rooftop placement. A residential ground-mounted installation is hoisted up well above ground, identical to industrial and utility installations, to allow light to penetrate the rear of bifacial panels. Professional and industrial solar manufacturers may benefit from bifacial solar panels, however, they rarely make much sense for residential rooftop projects. The simplest approach to get a fair market value on a solar panel installation, regardless of the project size, geography, or other circumstances, is to compare multiple estimates. Waaree Energy is a pre-eminent name in the solar industry that you can readily pick to get the most efficient solar-related solutions for your home and office. Apart from this, the experts here can further assist you with

Bifacial Solar Panels – The Ultimate Guide (2021) Read More »

Do Solar Panels Work at Night or On Cloudy Days?

Solar panels are rapidly becoming widespread for their eco-friendly means of electricity generation. The speedy adaptation of solar panels is visible from the fact that India had achieved its target of 20 GW capacity for 2022, four years ahead of schedule. This push for renewable energy, backed by the government, is resulting in higher solar panel installations. That said, these solar panels entail considerable investments. About 70% of India’s solar power operations are undertaken by the commercial sector. Hence, this growing anticipation of solar power breeds some questions related to its functioning. The most common query is whether solar panels work in a cloudy atmosphere? In the backdrop of a volatile climate, this legitimate question needs a rich explanation. The short answer is – YES, solar panels do work under a cloudy sky. Read on to know more about how solar panels work in this case. Will a cloudy day affect solar energy generation? Everyone knows that solar panels generate electricity by utilizing the energy of sun rays emitted from the sky. Considering this fact, how will it function on a cloudy day? A cloudy day will certainly affect the process of solar energy generation as the panels will be less efficient. It is quite surprising to know that the regions with fairly cloudy climates have substantial solar panel installations. The density of the clouds and the quality of solar panels largely affect solar energy generation. Even on a cloudy day, solar radiation can penetrate through the clouds. Therefore, solar panels can function with a reduced capacity. The efficiency of solar panels can drop in the range of 10-25 % compared with sunny days. This means that it can still give about 70% output on a cloudy day. It is important to remember the following points about a cloudy day and solar energy generation. A unique effect of the cloudy days Although the cloudy days cause diminished solar energy generation, it is not always true. In the world of solar panels, there is a phenomenon known as the ‘cloud edge effect’. It is when a cloudy day culminates into higher electricity production. The science behind this effect works as follows: Therefore, contrary to popular belief, cloudy days are not always troublesome for solar panels. Are sunny days really beneficial? It is well known that solar panels can achieve maximum solar energy generation on a sunny day. However, scorching temperatures can be detrimental to the functioning of a solar panel. It does not require hot weather for a solar panel to generate electricity. In fact, a moderate climate combining sunny and cold days is optimum for its energy generation. The solar panel generates less voltage and thereby becomes less efficient in the production of electricity. Therefore, this clears the misconception that the stronger the sunlight greater will be the solar energy generation. What do solar panels use to generate electricity? Understanding how solar panels generate electricity will help you understand the cloudy day effect on solar panels. Although sunlight is said to be essential to the operation of a solar panel, it is actually daylight. A solar panel is made up of many solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells. The solar energetic particles are converted to electrical energy whenever these cells are exposed to photons. This is referred to as the photovoltaic effect. A single solar cell produces only about 2-Watts of power. A solar panel array is made up of many solar cells. As a result, solar panels can generate hundreds to thousands of kilowatts of electricity. The solar energy is further transmitted to a solar inverter which converts it to AC. In India, the grid synchronization pattern of solar energy generation is prevalent. In this, the power generated is transmitted to the grid of the electricity provider. Feed-in traffic meters keep track of the electricity exported. How to compensate for the drop in output? On cloudy days, solar panels do not produce as much solar energy as they do on sunny days. The drop in electricity production is estimated to be between 10 and 25 percent. The overall reduction is minor and has no effect on solar harvest. Regardless, solar storage methods are available to compensate for the loss of cloudy days. Battery systems and net metering are the two. To sum up, a cloudy day should never prevent you from enjoying the light produced by solar panels. Waaree Energies, being the number one top solar panel manufacturer in India, offers several high-efficiency solar modules. These solar modules are built to hold up in any weather condition. Hence, choose Waaree for your solar module needs and start saving on your electricity expenses. ROOP SOLAR Vision is to provide high-quality and cost-effective sustainable energy solutions across all the markets, reducing carbon footprint – paving way for sustainable energy thereby improving the quality of present and future human life. Are you looking for a dependable company for your solar installation or maintenance? ROOP SOLAR COMPANY can be an ideal pick for you. To know more about how solar works, visit https://www.roopsolar.com.

Do Solar Panels Work at Night or On Cloudy Days? Read More »


Solar cell for almost a decade had been stable with its size as M2 which was also the choice of the end customer. However, with the drive for enhanced power output alongside a reduction in solar PV’s Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), the need for change was inevitable. The industry started taking cues from the semiconductor industry i.e. to increase the wafer size (refer to Figure 1) which would result in a direct increase in power output. The size of the wafer quickly jumped from 156.75 mm / 157 mm to an intermediate size of 161.75 mm / 166 mm and then to 182 mm / 210 mm within a span of around five years. With the current standard cell sizes, the PV module may have reached its size limits which currently span between 2.2 ~ 2.4 m in length to 1.1 ~ 1.3 m in width. With higher power output still being the demand from the end customer, any further increase in wafer size would lead to a proportional increase in module size. Such increases in module size have limitations like MMS cost, self-weight, handling limitation, etc. which would nullify the commercial gain from such enhancement. Further with PERC cell reaching its efficiency limits, the need to focus on alternative technologies is the need of the hour. All the commercially available solar cells and the developments have only taken place on P-type solar cells (depends on the type of dopant used while manufacturing). This was contradictory to the fact that the first-ever developed solar cell was N-type but it couldn’t make it as the first used solar modules were in space. The initially developed N-type solar cell was obviously not stable under UV exposures and hence P-type became the only choice. However, with the current N-type solar cells having better reliability& higher efficiency, they are finding their way back from highly advanced solar labs to manufacturing facilities. The current offering in the N-type module is based on PERL, PERT, Topcon & heterojunction (HJT) solar cells. We would however focus more on HJT explaining to you its construction, features, its advantages and compare it to other traditional technologies at the later stage. Construction of HJT cell The HJT solar cell, as the name suggests is made up of different layers combined into one. The cell is made up of crystalline silicon cells sandwiched between (thin film) amorphous silicon on both sides. This means that the cell combines the advantage of better absorption of light (from the crystalline layer) alongside better passivation properties (from the amorphous layer) thus creating a superior cell. The current light conversion efficiency record for HJT cells stands at greater than 26.5% which clearly means that the cell has the potential to unlock the next generation of modules. However, efficiency improvement is only one of its many advantages. Before we jump into all its advantages, let us understand the construction of the HJT cell and then we would discuss its advantages in detail. The HJT cells (refer to Figure2) contain an n-type crystalline silicon absorber at the center. It has both intrinsic (neutral) and doped layers of amorphous silicon on either side thus forming a p/i/n/i/n+ stacking. As we mentioned earlier, crystalline silicon has the property of better light absorption meaning that it can absorb almost all the light which falls on it thus generating more free carriers. Immediately around the n-type crystalline silicon are the intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-si: H(i)). Bareamorpho us silicon while is easy to deposit on the crystalline silicon but has a lot of surface defects, which means that there will be loss of carriers due to high resistance. Hydrogenating the bare amorphous silicon decreases the defect density drastically while also increasing their band-gap (when compared to the crystalline silicon). The intrinsic (or un-doped) layer of a-si(H)(i) enables better surface passivation which means that the excited electrons and holes would not recombine before being collected. Moving on, further to the intrinsic layers are the p-type and n-type doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon layers which form the P-N junction in the solar cells. The top p-type layer collects part of the light falling onto it both directly and from inter-layer reflection. Similarly, the bottom layer captures the remaining amount of light that may have passed through the first two layers while also providing surface passivation. Generally, the conductivity of the a-Si: H layer is poor and may not be sufficient to provide a good carrier(charge) collection via the metal contacts. This is when the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) comes into play. The TCO layer is deposited on both sides of the a-Si: H layer. They work by promoting a good ohmic contact, facilitating lateral carrier transportation, and also working as an anti-reflective coating (ARC)similar to the SiNx coatings in crystalline solar cells. There are many industry-standard TCO’s but indium tin oxide (ITO) is the most common of them. The thickness of the top and the bottom TCO may be different. The thickness of the top layer of the TCO and its oxygen content is optimized for a suitable sheet resistance for carrier transportation, good transparency to avoid unusual light absorption, and to further enhance light trapping. The rear TCO may be optimized for absorption in the infrared (IR) region. Advantages of HJT With the construction being clear, it’s time to understand what advantages HJT has to offer: Manufacturing advantages: The first and foremost advantage of HJT is that it is a less energy-intensive process, thanks to the thin film depositions on either side. The HJT cells are processed at < 250 °C which saves a lot of energy during manufacturing cells. The number of steps required to manufacture these cells is halved compared to the industry standard PERC. Further at the module level, they are again processed at around the same temperature when stringing the HJT cells onto a module. PID free technology: Potential Induced Degradation or better known as PID is known to affect almost all the type of solar modules. In a PID


Waaree Seminar: Installing AC Circuit Breakers Correctly

Recently, a customer reported that the circuit breaker in the fuse box of the newly installed solar PV system was experiencing an abnormal arc when it was disconnected. The customer suspected that it was caused by the inverter; however, a waaree technical engineer discovered that the circuit breakers were reversing fed. After replacing the circuit breaker and wiring it correctly on-site, the arc disappeared. In this waaree Seminar, we will analyze in detail why the circuit breaker must not be reversed (the power line enters the load terminal of the circuit breaker) using this example and what harm it will cause. Reverse Feeding of AC BreakerNormal wiring and reverse wiring In the fuse box, the power interface is on the top and the load interface is on the bottom.When installing the PV system for grid connection, you will add an additional circuit breaker. In order to save material costs, and installation space and reduce installation workload, some installers choose to use the bottom-in and top-out method (reverse wiring). However, many miniature circuit breakers generally do not allow such wiring because of the limitation of current direction, which is shown in the figure below. 1. Principles of Extinguishing Circuit Breaker Arcs Risks of Reverse Wiring An electric arc is formed between the contacts of a circuit breaker when it interrupts the current flow to loads during normal operation. In the event of short circuits, the arc formed will be more intensive than a normal one. Metal plates in arc chutes are made of ferromagnetic material to ensure any arc formed is attracted towards the plates and moves towards the arc chutes through the arc runners. As it reaches the arc chute, the structure of the arc chutes widens the arc further and splits it into small segments. This increases the length of the arc. It then cools down and eventually gets extinguished (as shown in Figure below). 2. Potential Damage Due to Reverse Wiring ① Incomplete arc extinguishment. This will cause longer arc time between moving contact and static contact, which cannot be quickly extinguished through the arc extinguishing chamber, causing part of the arc to escape. ② The braided wire, bimetallic sheet and the common rotating shaft are always under the power supply voltage, which will cause them to age rapidly. ③ The input circuit contains components such as electromagnetic coils, therefore the switching impedance will be higher than that of normal wiring. The transient recovery voltage will be higher when the circuit is disconnected. It is more difficult to extinguish the arc and this will cause the contact heat to accelerate aging. A long-term switch action will cause the circuit breaker to be damaged (shown in the figure below). Solution When installing a circuit breaker in a PV system, pay close attention to the circuit breaker’s reverse wiring. If necessary, use reverse wiring and pay close attention to the voltage and breaking current specifications. Conclusion If it is not clearly marked the device can be used in reverse wiring mode. You must confirm with the circuit breaker manufacturer and install it to ensure the PV system’s long-term safety.

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26% expansion in Solar Power Generation in the U.S. in 2020

Over the past twenty years, sun-based force age in the US has grown monstrously. According to data released by Trading.Platforms.com, solar-powered force age in the US increased by 26% year over year in 2020, producing just under 91,000 million kWh of solar-powered heated and photovoltaic (PV) energy. According to the data, the US only produced 493 million KWh in 2000, but by 2010, that amount had increased to 1212 million KWh, representing a 9.41% CAGR between 2000 and 2010. The force from the main millennium has continued for another ten years, reaching a peak of 90,891 million KWh in 2020 and resulting in a CAGR of 53.99% for sunlight-based force age relatively lately. After the private sector installed the most solar-powered PV facilities in a single year, the gap between private (3 GW) and business area businesses (1.2 GW) widened by 86% in 2020. Rex Pascaul, supervisor at TradingPlatforms, said, “Renewable energy has become mainstream in the last two decades especially in markets like China and the US. As technology progresses, small scale solar generation will become even more and more accessible to the average resident in the coming years. This combined with growing awareness around the effects of Climate Change give solar power generation a bright future in the US.“ In late time, the U.S. has seen a huge increase of the sun powered area, particularly by virtue of the Biden organization’s responsibility towards speeding up clean-tech advancement and exploration, in this manner reasserting American initiative in the energy area which is relied upon to be overwhelmed by renewables later on. The most recent declaration came from the US Department of Energy (DOE) which is offering USD 8.25 billion in credits from its Loan Programs Office (LPO) and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) on the side of the public authority’s endeavors to modernize the country’s force framework and foundation and convey 100% clean energy to organizations and mortgage holders by 2035. The new information on colleges and research centres like Colorado State University (CSU), the Wright Center for Photovoltaics at the University of Toledo, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), as well as US-based business sun based organisations working with Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) meagre film sun oriented board producing, uniting to shape the U.S. Advanced Cadmium Telluride It remains to be seen how China and other international competitors fare in the US solar industry, and whether the two countries will compete for supremacy in the ideal energy sector.

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